Event description
Rocky Point Bird Observatory conducts monthly bird walks in Outerbridge Park on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome! No registration required. Meet at the parking lot off Royal Oak Dr.
This property (3.8 ha (9.3 acre)) was owned by Mrs. Outerbridge from the late 80s to 2005. She spent these years creating gardens, ponds and landscape features to create an oasis for wildlife, particularly birds. For a number of years the property was known locally as the ‘Shangri-La Bird and Nature Sanctuary’ and was open to the public. Mrs. Outerbridge offered to sell the property to Saanich with the understanding that the park would be kept as a bird and nature sanctuary, and in 2005 it become a park.
Rocky Point Bird Observatory was a recipient of financial support from the estate of Mrs. Outerbridge and is committed to supporting her vision to provide a place to know and love birds.
Learn more at https://rpbo.org/who-we-are/places/
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