Low effort, high reward advertising

Put your brand in front of 4000+ local Victoria residents.

Higher engagement on ads
Motivated, young, and 100% local audience
Less time & effort means higher returns on your ad spend

Trusted partner for Victoria brands

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo2020INC logo

Your brand, in your audience's inbox


higher engagement

LampPost advertisements have higher engagement versus large advertising platforms.


of time saved marketing

Skip the time required learning SEO & keeping up with social media trends. Simple ads, big returns.


more valuable audience

Your ads cut through the noise with less advertising competition and a motivated, valuable audience.

An active, local community.
A valuable audience.

Newsletter Subscribers
Social Media Audience
Open Rate
Click Rate
Ad Engagement

Advertising opportunities to fit your brand's needs

Introductory placement

- Top of the newsletter
- Logo & image
- Up to 100 words
- 3 CTAs

Book an intro ad
Section sponsor

- Logo & name above    sponsored section
- Up to 25 words
- 1 CTA

Become a section sponsor
Mid-issue placement

- Middle of the newsletter
- Image
- Up to 50 words
- 2 CTAs

Book a mid-issue ad

Start earning better returns on your ad spend today!