February 1, 2025

St Paul's presents: Classical Music with the DieMahler Ensemble

St. Paul's United Church

Event description

St Paul's is delighted to host an exclusive Classical Music series performed by the Die Mahler Ensemble lead by Pablo Diemecke. Venue: St Paul’s United Church 2410 Malaview Ave, Sidney BC V8L 2G3 Free parking on site and wheelchair accessible. Doors open at 1:30pm. Tickets: $25. Seniors & Students under 18yrs: $20. Children under 12 yrs: free Tickets also available for purchase at the church office Mon & Thu, 10am – 2 pm, and Fri noon - 3pm or from Tanner's Books (cash or cheque only) https://www.stpaulsunitedbc.com/events
tickets & info

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