event poster
January 20, 2025

Women Only Strength Training

Sports & Athletics

Event description

Did you know that lifting heavy weights is more important for women as we age? It helps to maintain estrogen levels through perimenopause onward. We should start strength training in our 30's to set a foundation, but it is never too late to start. Learn the science as to why strength training is extra important for women and the basics to get started, and meet Katie in the gym for this series. Over 4 weeks Katie will educate you on how to safely lift weights, using kettlebells , barbells, and dumbbells, as well as how strength training impacts our bones, hormones, muscles, metabolism and more. You must register for the full series to take part. $90 for 4 weeks ($60 for KWENCH members). Class dates are Jan 20, 27, Feb 3, and Feb 10.
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