event poster
January 19, 2025

Shapes for Sounds Series 03: Fümms bö wö tää zää Uu

Phillip T. Young Recital Hall
Performing Arts

Event description

An evening of experimental intersections between sound, art, and movement, Shapes for Sounds delves into the dynamics of dissonance and deconstruction. The title, drawn from Kurt Schwitters’ iconic Ursonate, sets the tone for a multidisciplinary journey where noise and abstraction converge. The program features kinetic sculpture, painting, video, and instrumentation, each exploring the materiality of sound in strikingly different ways. Experience sound and noise projects created and performed by Lucia Anaya, Grace Dillon, Edith Skeard, Sonic Lab, Evan Locke, Tyler Evans-Knott, Puppets Forsaken, Derk Wolmuth, and the Malibu Kens.
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