Browse event categories to find events that fit your vibe.
Catch all of Victoria's events right here, sorted by category & date to make finding events easier than ever.
Rowdy concerts to cozy evening shows, this is your home for all of Victoria's live music, concerts,
and shows.
Catch the most popular shows before tickets sell out - live music shows, comedians, album tours, and more.
The Island has a ton of amazing annual events, from neighbourhood block parties to food & drink festivals.
When we moved to Victoria, we had a really difficult time making friends and building a community around ourselves. Events were a great way to meet people, but it was hard finding events with so many different platforms to search through. They also didn't address the core issue; getting out into the community, not just to one-off events.
That's why we built LampPost - to build Victoria's community platform & make it easier than ever to find events, clubs, gathering, friends, and a sense of belonging in the city.